SMPS Athletic Program Mission
St. Michael has a very rich and proud tradition in interscholastic athletics. We always strive to best represent St. Michael school at all times, and our goal is to provide the best possible athletic experience as part of the overall school environment. While academics are, and will always be, the top priority, participation in athletics can be a tremendous way to learn life lessons, promote physical fitness, and foster sportsmanship, confidence, and school spirit.

Athletic Eligibility
Participation in sports and extracurricular activities is a privilege not a right. Students who have a minimum 2.0 GPA maintain and good discipline may participate in extracurricular activities.

Sports Offered at SMPS
The Mustangs Athletics Program, targeted to students in grades 5-8, consists of:

Fall Season

  • Football
  • Girls’ Volleyball (7/8)
  • Girls’ Basketball (5/6)
  • Cheerleading

Winter Season

  • Boys’ Basketball (5/6 & 7/8)
  • Girls’ Basketball (7/8)
  • Cheerleading

Spring Season

  • Girls’ Volleyball (5/6)
  • Girls’ and Boys’ Track and Field
  • Cheerleading

Please contact our Athletic Director with any questions you have about our athletics programs, registration, eligibility, etc. We are always happy to help!

Athletic Forms

Physical Form 330.12 KB 788