Lil’ Cherubs Two-Year-Olds Program
The Lil’ Cherubs Program at SMPS is a 75-minute session meeting twice each week that is designed specifically for the two-year-old child and an adult partner. The program is full of faith-based learning and fun! Children are introduced to both structured play and free play, as well as arts and crafts and language/literacy activities. To strengthen gross motor skills, the children also participate in playground, movement and music activities.
Finally, during “circle time,” children are introduced to prayer and the Bible.
The program is offered in 7-week sessions throughout the school year. Registration is $225 per session. For more information, please call the school office at 304.242.3966.
Extended Care
To assist our working school parents, St. Michael’s offers Extended Care from 3 pm to 5:45 pm daily in the school’s school hall and old gym (behind the school building). Students registered for Extended Care will have a snack right after school and then have 30 minutes to complete their homework. The school provides snacks, but children may also bring their own.
On nice weather days, children are supervised on the back parking lot and on the new playground area during Extended Care.
This service is also available on early dismissal days from noon to 5:45 pm. Students should bring a lunch on early dismissal days. Milk will be provided.
The Extended Care rate is based on number of children and length of stay (e.g. 1 child @ 1 hour is $3.75; 2 children @ 1 hour is $6). To register your child for Extended Care, please call the school office at 304.242.3966.
Extended Care Staff Members:
Mrs. Betty Letzelter
Expanded Day Preschool
A new program being offered this school year is our expanded preschool day. The Expanded Day Program is designed to provide a safe, supportive, and caring environment for the students enrolled in our 3 & 4 year old preschool. All children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of preschool activities including outdoor recreation, arts & crafts, quiet rest time, circle time, games, music, as well as time to interact with their peers. Children will have the opportunity to eat breakfast and/or lunch and snack at school. Children may attend 1 to 5 days a week. This program is directed by Mrs. Dee Dean. To register your child for Expanded Day, please call the school office at 304.242.3966.